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Attractive and responsible jewelry

What payment methods are accepted?

We accept payments by credit card: Carte Bleue, Carte Visa, Carte Mastercard and Carte American Express.

  • Carte Bleue - Visa Card - Mastercard - American Express Card

We also accept payment by Paypal.

  • Paypal

Is the payment secure?
Yes, payment is 100% secure. Transactions made on are secured by our partner's payment system

All information exchanged to process the payment is encrypted using SSL protocol. This data cannot be detected, intercepted or used by third parties. It is also not stored on our computer systems.

Are my bank details stored?
No banking information is stored on our site. Your banking data is directly entered on the secure server of our technical and financial partner Ayden. The banking information you provide, encrypted on your own computer, will never circulate in clear text on the Internet.


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